First Home TOGETHER (shared ownership)
6 months fixed
6.49% pa
18 months fixed
5.79% pa
Get into your first home, faster, with our shared ownership home loan package.
- We'll put in up to 10% interest-free towards your 20% house deposit as well as a regular home loan for the balance
- No limits on your household income
- No caps on the home you can buy

Personal Loans
PSS Secured
10.50% p.a.
Vehicle secured
12.95% p.a.
Get money for something you’ve had your eye on, consolidate debt, or in case of emergency.
- Secure your loan against your PSS, GSF, or motor vehicle
- Re-borrow the amount you have already paid off for PSS secured loans
- Make early or lump sum repayments without penalty
- Borrow up to $30,000 on an unsecured loan

Retire Easy (Reverse Mortgage)
8.94% pa
Make the most of your retirement by freeing up some of the cash in your home to spend how you want.
- Take it as a lump sum(s) or get a regular amount
- No need for any regular repayments
- Stay in your home for as long as you want

Car Loans
Secured car loans
12.95% pa
Get pre-approval whether you’ve found the car you want to buy or are still kicking the tyres.
- Get pre-approval before you go shopping
- Buy your car through a dealer, privately or online
- Make early or lump sum repayments without penalty

Home Loans
1 year fixed
5.29% pa
2 year fixed
4.99% pa
- Secure your home loan up to 80% of the value of the property
- Borrow against your PSS or GSF to cover the remaining 20% of your loan
- Floating, 1 year and 2 year rates available
- May require a high-LVR margin of up to 0.60%p.a.
Loan protection insurance
Free for members under 65 whilst they are (or their parents are) employed by New Zealand Police.
You’ll be covered up to $75,000 of the outstanding loan balance upon your death or in case of a permanent disability.
If you are not eligible for the free loan protection insurance, you can apply for standard loan protection insurance through another insurance company.
Apply for a loan
You’ll need your:
- QID if you’re a sworn officer
- Proof of income
- Current PSS balance if you’re securing by PSS
- Your bank account statements for the last 3 months