Rates and fees

Home Loans




Standard* Floating 6.39% p.a.
  6 months fixed 5.89% p.a.
  1 year fixed 5.29% p.a.
  18 months fixed 5.19% p.a.
  2 years fixed 4.99% p.a.
First Home TOGETHER Floating 6.39% p.a.
  6 months fixed 6.49% p.a.
  1 year fixed 5.89% p.a.
  18 months fixed 5.79% p.a.
  2 year fixed 5.59% p.a.
Retire Easy Floating  8.94% p.a.
All home loans Default Interest (in the event of a default) The interest rate applicable to the loan at the time, plus a margin of 5% per annum.

*Standard rates are for home loans with a minimum deposit of 20%. Home Loans with less than 20% deposit may include a high-LVR margin of up to 0.60%p.a. added to this rate.




Home loan establishment  $100
Loan Facility Agreement Variation  $50
Mortgage discharge $75
Top Up Fee (staff assisted) $10
Fixed Rate Break Fee Calculated upon request.


Default Fees may be payable by the Member, to the Credit Union, on a breach of the Agreement by the Member, or on the enforcement of the Agreement by the Credit Union.

Personal Loans and Overdrafts


Lending type



Personal Loan Fully secured by PSS or GSF From 10.50% p.a.
  Secured by motor vehicle up to a maximum of $40,000 12.95% p.a.
  Partially secured by PSS or GSF From 11.70% p.a. to 14.75%
  Unsecured up to a maximum of $30,000 13.95% p.a.
Overdraft Unsecured up to $1,000 14.95% p.a.
  Unsecured $1,000.01+ 17.55% p.a.
Flexi Cash Unsecured 14.95% p.a.




Personal loan establishment  $100
Loan Facility Agreement Variation $50
Top Up (online) $5
Top Up (staff assisted) $10
Overdraft establishment $15
Flexi cash establishment $15


Default Fees may be payable by the Member, to the Credit Union, on a breach of the Agreement by the Member, or on the enforcement of the Agreement by the Credit Union.

Term Deposits




3 months 3.90% p.a.
4 months 4.00% p.a.
5 months 4.30% p.a.
6 months 4.40% p.a.
7 months 4.40% p.a.
8 months 4.35% p.a.
9 months 4.25% p.a.
12 months 4.20% p.a.
18 months 4.15% p.a.
24 months 4.10% p.a.







Achiever Saver   1.15% p.a.
Bonus Saver Base Rate 0.40% p.a.
  Bonus Rate 2.35% p.a.
  Combined Rate 2.75% p.a.
Christmas Club   1.00% p.a.
Future Saver Base Rate 0.40% p.a.
  Bonus Rate 2.35% p.a.
  Combined Rate 2.75% p.a
Spending and Goal Account $0 - $2,000 0.00% p.a.
  $2,000.01+ 0.05% p.a.





Direct Debits dishonour All accounts. $25
Dormant account* All accounts. $5
Foreign currency** Spending 2.25%


*Accounts become dormant after 12 months of no transactions. The dormant account fee is refunded if the account is reactivated.

**A foreign currency fee of 2.25% of the transaction amount is charged when you make a purchase or cash withdrawal in a foreign currency, and also applies to any fees and charges charged by the overseas bank or vendor in relation to that transaction. This fee is also charged when you make online purchases in a foreign currency.

Please note the foreign currency fee is also charged when making purchases or cash withdrawals from your transaction, savings or revolving credit account with your Debit card from overseas.


Fees from other banks may be on-charged: telegraphic transfer fees; dishonour fees; special answer fees; and/or cash deposit fees.

Call 0800 429 000 for more information.